The people of today's society always live under the supervision of the government with high technology.
— War on Fear (@warcombatfear) 2019年9月17日
Now we use technology to show the modern society of Xinjiang. People lose their freedom. No hope for future.
How many people in prison?@Reuters @AP @amnesty @UNHumanRights pic.twitter.com/8hljD719sc
— War on Fear (@warcombatfear) 2019年9月17日
这是中国政府长期在新疆维吾尔自治区压制人权与基本自由。#新疆#维吾尔人#共产党#人权#不公正#没有自由 pic.twitter.com/JDMk45mopT
Uygurs have no rights in China
— War on Fear (@warcombatfear) 2019年9月17日
Where are these people @hrw? #Xinjiang #China #Uygur #humanrights pic.twitter.com/GTZ2dyhUKR
張貼錄像片段的帳戶名為「戰鬥恐懼」(War on Fear),這名用戶寫道:「當今社會的人們一直生活在(中共)政府的高科技監督之下。現在,我們使用技術來展示新疆的現代社區:人們失去了自由,未來沒有希望。」
澳洲戰略政策研究所國際網絡政策中心研究員內森·魯澤(Nathan Ruser)也在其推特上發佈了這段影片的多個截圖,且作出解釋。他表示,這是大疆無人機拍攝的影片。他寫道,最大的線索是在左下角的方位圖上,它顯示著新疆一個自治州「巴音郭楞蒙古自治州」,通常在很大程度上是庫爾勒市的代名詞。
4 days ago a video showing 3-400 detainees handcuffed & blindfolded at a train station in Xinjiang was uploaded to YouTube (https://t.co/GpEaZ7YkIK)
— Nathan Ruser (@Nrg8000) 2019年9月21日
In this thread I'll share how I've verified that this video was filmed at 库尔勒西站 (41.8202, 86.0176) on or around August 18th. pic.twitter.com/hr5xd8nahM
In terms of information to verify this video, it is quite scant. The title mentions that it shows something in Xinjiang, and the description says that it was 'taken in China' - "这些视频是在中国拍的", which is not a lot to work with.
— Nathan Ruser (@Nrg8000) 2019年9月21日
The bigger clue lies in the 10km scale bar in the bottom left, which (on my screenshot) represents 6.48cm. The distance from the approx centre of Bayingol label to the location is 8.05cm (at a bearing of ~ 300°)
— Nathan Ruser (@Nrg8000) 2019年9月21日
(8.05/6.48)*10 = 12.42km at a bearing of 300° from the label.
本周早些時候,五個人權組織敦促聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)譴責中共政府對維吾爾人的拘留,並呼籲立即關閉政府辦的新疆拘留營。
These figures are approximate! You'll notice it changed from August 18th to August 20th, that's because when I re-did it for this thread it must have been measured differently by a few feet or degrees. This is impossible to avoid when youre measuring so fine with less detail.
— Nathan Ruser (@Nrg8000) 2019年9月21日
9月11日,美國參議院通過了新疆《維吾爾人權政策法案》(Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act),這項法案由國會民主黨與共和黨兩大黨派的代表共同推出,法案內容包括對參與興建新疆集中營的中國企業實行制裁,保護在美國境內的維族人不受中共的威脅,以及美國國務院設立專職處理新疆問題等等。
這項法案也敦促美國政府高層參與這項議題,並依據《全球馬格尼茨基人權問責法》(The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act)對中共官員問責並施加制裁措施。#
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